Gudaea of Lagash, on left, is grasped by his patron-god, Ningishzida, who has horned Mushushu dragons erupting from his shoulders. Before him is perhaps Dumuzi (Tammuz) ? They are approaching perhaps Enki (Ea) who dispenses freshwaters at Eridu to sustain earthly life (note stream of water at right). (fig.189. Anton Moortgat. Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien, Die klassische Kunst Vorderasiens. Darmstadt. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. Verlag M.DuMont Schauberg. Koln)

My research suggests that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is a later fusion and recast by the Hebrews of several gods from different Mesopotamian myths; but principally: Ea (Enki), Anu (An), Dumuzi (Tammuz) and Ningishzida (Gizzida) from the Adapa and the Southwind mythPlease click here for all the details.
Please click here for another picture of Ningishzida and Gudaea from a cylinder seal, which shows Ningishzida not only in humanform but also as a walking winged and double-horned serpent-dragon.

To buy my book Eden's Serpent: Its Mesopotamian Origins click on the below url
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