Egyptian Winged Sphinx, possible PROTOTYPE for Phoenician Winged Sphinx Thrones, which underlies God's "Mercy Seat" atop the Ark of the Covenant. New Kingdom Pharaohs on the arm panels of their thrones had winged sphinxes trampling their enemies in war. God's Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant is carried into war against the Philistines. The Phoenicians may have modified the Egyptian Winged Sphinx thrones, by portraying the wings as extended (Egyptian winged sphinxes are almost always portrayed with wings flat against their back). The Bible emphasizes that the wings of the Cherubim on God's throne have extended wings. The below scene is from a New Kingdom Pharaoh's war chariot (Thuthmose IV, ca. 1419-1386 BCE). Portable thrones with striding winged sphinxes also exist in New Kingdom times.
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Line drawing of a wooden sidepanel from Pharaoh Thuthmose IV's throne found in his tomb. He is shown as a winged sphinx trampling Egypt's Asiatic enemies.
(p.123. William Stevenson Smith. Ancient Egypt, as represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston. Metcalf & Company. 1960)
Artist's reconstruction of Thuthmose IV's Throne (only the above wooden panel survived of the throne). The artist is using features from a portrayal of another throne of the 18th dynasty. (p.123. William Stevenson Smith. Ancient  Egypt...Museum of Fine Arts.  Boston. 1960)