Bes head, Egyptian rendering. Note the lion-like ears and mane or beard and portruding tongue, symbolizing contentment in animal gods (p.285, Vol.2. E.A. Wallis Budge. Gods of the Egyptians. New York. Dover Publications. [1904] 1969)
Bes seated, and DRESSED, playing a Lyre. He was a god of music, mirth, dance, and a protector of pregnant women and the nursery.
(p.285, Vol.2. E.A. Wallis Budge. Gods of the Egyptians)
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Note the differences between YahwehAsherah and BesBes is usually "completely naked" except for a panther skin thrown over his shoulders (whose forepaws hang over the shoulders), sometimes the lower legs of the panther rest against the outer thighs. A waist band is tied about the rotund stomach. In Contrast, Yahweh and Asherah appear to be "fully clothed" to the hips.  Bes' shoulder line, to emphasize his "dwarf-like misshaped body" is high on the lower face or jaw, whilst Yahweh's/Asherah's shoulders are clearly below the jawline. Bes' face is "Squat," whilst Yahweh/Asherah's are very "elongated". Bes' ears are not placed at the top edge of the head like Yahweh'/Asherah's. Bes appears without a tail in some of the below renderings, just as Yahweh appears without a tail.
Bes. 1st century BCE. (fig. 139. Dietrich Wildung & Gunter Grimm. Gotter Pharaonen. Verlag von Zabern. Mainz am Rhein. 1979)
Yahweh of Samaria and Asherah. Kuntillet `Ajrud. 8th century BCE(p.213. Othmar Keel & Christoph Uehlinger. Gods, Goddesses and Images of God In Ancient Israel. Minneapolis. Fortress Press. 1998.)
Bes with panther skin, waistband, lower legs missing. 1st Century BCE. (fig17. Nofret- Die Schone, Die Frau im Alten Agypten. Verlag Philipp von Zbern. Mainz. 1984)
Bes. Lower legs missing. 3rd Century BCE (fig. 112. Dietrich Wildung & Gunter Grimm. Gotter Pharaonen. Verlag Philipp von Zabern. Mainz. 1979)
Bes. Backside of figure 112. Possible missing tail and lower legs ?
Bes, Naked, no tail (?), wielding sword, slaying snake.
6th-4th Century BCE(p.442. Regine Schultz & Matthias Seidel. Agypten, Die Welt der Pharaonen. Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mBH. Koln. 1997)
Bes without tail (?). Naked except for panther skin over shoulders and waistband.
30th Dynasty, ca. 350 BCE. (fig.156. J.H. Breasted. Geschichte Aegyptens. Im Phaidon Verlag. Zurich. 1954)