Stela of Pharaoh Ahmose I, the founder of the 18th Dynasty, honoring with funeral offerings his deceased grandmother, Queen Tetisheri. The text records that Ahmosis is telling his wife of his determination to do further honor to the memory of his grandmother by building her a pyramid-chapel (Photo fig. 84. Pierre Montet. Eternal Egypt. NAL-World Book [The New American Library]. 1964 [George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.] )
Axeblade of Queen Iahhetep, mother of Pharaoh Iahmose (Ahmose I), bearing his cartouche. He is shown smiting an enemy. Below is a winged Griffin. (fig. 93. Pierre Montet. Eternal Egypt. NAL-World Book [The New American Library]. 1964 [George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.] )